We provide our clients with required intelligence, scenarios and recommendations for making meaningful and strategic economic decisions. Our products include a comprehensive analysis of the global economy, an overview of the African economy vis-a-vis the positioning of the Nigerian Economy.
We dissect each sector by their GDP contributions and analyse the effect of the prevailing monetary, fiscal and other policies on the clients’ business and interests. We conclude by making execution-ready recommendations.
Based on our access to rich and diverse data on the economy, and our knowledge about the history of Nigerian economic policy space, we also provide data forecasting service which includes trending economic data and policies to make deductions about where the economy could be headed.
The Products under our Economic Advisory Service are listed below:
Macroeconomic Monitoring and Advisory
Employing robust macroeconomic information in making strategic business and policy decisions
Macroeconomic Forecasts
Medium to long-term forecasts of the macro-economy with which businesses and policymakers can plan
Economic Indicators and Proxies
Gauging where the economy is headed in the short term and obtain independent views on official statistics
Political Risk Monitor
Capturing the extent that political changes and decisions may affect business and economic stability
Government Budget Impact
Measuring and taking advantage of the impact of government budget on the economy, specific sectors and businesses
Securities Market Analysis
Insights into the securities and portfolios prices, returns, valuation and forecasts
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Analysis
Promoting scientific measurement of ESG initiatives and adoption of international best practices among corporations
Presentation and Aid
Supporting public speakers on economic and financial issues with relevant facts and figures to strengthen their arguments and views
Speech writing
Aiding executives and public speakers with evidence-based speeches to be delivered at events covering socio-economic and financial issues
Lectures Aid
Providing real-life data and illustrations as inputs into teaching materials of lecturers and facilitators
Research Advisory
To set-up and support the economic and financial research units of organisations
Economist/Financial Analysts Hiring Programme
Equipping young graduates with knowledge and tools required by practitioners and policymakers and open them up to relevant contacts and opportunities
Structure and trends of Nigeria’s real sector
Detailed analysis of the structure and trends of Nigeria’s real sector using actual Nigerian data